Tips and Tricks for Thanksgiving Floral Designs

by Cindi Sutter, Founder & Editor Spirited Table®

Here are a few examples from the ghosts of Thanksgiving past. EXTRA BONUS-Thanksgiving Hall of Fame. Most importantly, use what you have first and then add the sparkles and twists that I listed below!

Elevate your fresh floral design on the dining room table by placing drinking glasses upside down, with a matching napkin or decorative fabric to cover the. Place a tray on top, set the centerpiece on the elevated tray. (I used martini glasses as they provide a strong base on both ends).

Burn the candles that is why they are there. Always have additional candles ready to add when they burn down.

Use the burnt down candles in a small cylinder vase with marbles or stones in the base to hold it in place for the bathroom, bedroom, or another table design.

Tuck some bittersweet berries, colorful leaves in the napkin holder and on the chair 

Use Permanent Botanical fruit in your table designs, no upkeep, keep the fruit flies away

Use Mini Deco holder for fresh flower design on the napkins and/or chairs. (Be sure to soak the deco holders in water, so they’re totally saturated-and be aware of placing them anyplace that might cause spillage or a stain on the napkins).

Combine fresh flowers with dried flowers and grains with artificial botanicals. Look in your seasonal decorations to reuse some favorite items

Glossy Wood Tone, Cherry Wood Tone, and Walnut Wood Tone floral spray work wonder to freshen grapevine wreaths. It acts as a varnish, they look new.

Herbs are delightful in your table designs or a small vase in the bathroom

Succulents—good everywhere, use them in designs, setting on a table, as favors, the Thing!

Cymbidium Orchids are long-lasting, and they come in a large variety of colors. Buy them by the stem, and place them in floral foam or water tubes.

When buying flowers to do your own arrangements or ordering from your local flower market, do something different, step out of your comfort zone, have some fun!