W3 Book Club - “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe” by Fannie Flagg

by Teri E. Popp & Laura Chin, Tastemakers in Residence

“This article was written before the current status of our nation practicing “social distancing.” This article serves as a guide for ideas for after social distancing is over, and for more book suggestions to read during this time.”

Sometimes W3 Book Club reaches into the archives for a golden oldie of a book read. “Fried Green Tomatoes” by Fannie Flagg fit the bill perfectly as we reminisced about old-time cafes found in small towns in the 1940s, 50’s and ’60s in the United States.

Flagg’s novel, sharing the friendship of Depression-era women involved with a little whistle-stop of a cafe in the South, revolves around themes of memory, women’s aging, lesbianism and its treatment by society during the 1940s, racism, and love.

Laura C. and Debbie, our hosts for this Southern-style occasion, chose the following scrumptious menu:


Veggies & Ranch Dip


Fried Chicken

Pulled Pork



Baked beans

Corn on the cob

Fried Geen Tomatoes

Watermelon and blackberries


Cole Slaw


Gluten-Free bread


Pie and Ice Cream (made by Laura’s husband, David!)


Mike’s Hard Lemonade


We hope y’all enjoyed this article!! See you next month at the swimmin’ hole for “Murder at Spirit Lake.”