by Cindi SutterChief Communicator & Editor of Spirited Table® - Excerpted from The REAL SIMPLE Method to Organizing Every Room by the Editors of REAL SIMPLE. Reprinted with permission from Time Inc. Books, a division of Meredith Corporation. New York, NY. All rights reserved.

Today we’re tackling our bedrooms and closets, our favorite places to organize and keep that way…yeah right!!?😜 Here are two examples of using the walls, shelving and even a three legged stool for decor options.

So my guess is you’re in one of several camps:

  1. You cleaned everything out before your guests arrived in their bedrooms, but didn’t quite finish your own bedroom or closet.

  2. You cleaned out your bedroom and closet as well as your kids and are feeling pretty sassy about the guest rooms too!

Either way, I think you’ll find some great tips from these next lists photos and lists!

Next tip! Specifically organizing your closets. (I know, that’s my least favorite thing, so I’m with you on the clean-out issues).

Ok, there is no time like the New Year to tackle this job. I organized my closet not because I was dying to do it, but because we had a leak in the skylight and we moved into a guest room during the construction dustbowl. The very happy news is, my closet is now so awesome, as I can finally see the entire floor space and I can see all my shoes and yes, I have already worn shoes I forgot that I owned. I know…it’s an issue.

So Happy Cleaning New Year and let me know how you’re doing.