A “Treat Yo’ Self” Valentine’s Day

by Christina Meyer-Jax, Tastemaker in Residence

photo by Cindi Sutter

Many of us have heard the phase, “If mama ain’t happy than nobody’s happy.” But to be fair, this applies to all of us right?  During this season of “love” why not carve out time and space to show yourself some TLC and self –care. In action, this may look very different to each person, but the product of showing yourself kindness is a filled up happy soul, which brings the needed energy to share the love with others!

The reality of my Valentine’s Day is being in an ice rink at my son’s hockey game, so I am planning to fit in my “treat time” the following weekend. Tops on my list will be dining out with friends, taking my favorite hot yoga class to defrost, and cooking.  As a nutrition nerd, creating nourishing dishes is how I show myself some love.  In the busyness of life, I don’t always get the time to make my favorites.

If creating and cooking is your jam, I’m sharing what’s on my “Treat Yo’ Self” menu for next weekend! If building a re-claimed wood ceiling light is how you decompress like my husband, than go for it!  That activity would put me into the stressed out category ☺  

Wherever next week goes for you, I wish you time and space to be good to yourself!

Be Well Hot Cocoa & Lovable Snack Bites - Recipes by: Christina Meyer-Jax MS, RDN