Margarita Day!

by Cindi Sutter, Founder & Editor Spirited Table®

February 22nd is Margarita Day…so let’s just enjoy this excuse to have a fabulous cocktail for dinner!

For those of you who might be taking a seat around our Spirited Table® for the first time, I’m a native Texan. So…what that means is we can be very quirky about what goes into our Margaritas. In my opinion, simpler is usually better. But believe me, there are just as many opinions, as there are Margarita recipes. So let’s get started with a few of my rules and favs.

Cindi's Fav MargaritaAvocado Margarita9 Fiery Margaritas to Fire Up Your SpringMartina McBride's Kitchen Mix - Grapefruit MargaritasThe Up-Styled Spanish Cocktail.