W3 Book Club- “City of Girls” by Elizabeth Gilbert

by Teri E. Popp & Laura Chin, Tastemakers in Residence

When you can’t get together with your friends, but you’d love to share stories and delicious details about the latest great read, a virtual book club can be a lovely way to do just that. W3 Book Club donned 1940’s theater themed attire to add fun and excitement to their latest Zoom meeting while discussing Elizabeth Gilbert’s 2019 novel, “City of Girls.”

The book follows the exploits of 19-year-old Vivian Morris as she ventures forth to explore NYC with her trusty Singer sewing machine, a creative skill in the textile arts, and a penchant for adventurous night clubbing with the showgirls featured in her Aunt Peg’s little, neighborhood theater group. Ahead of her time for the sexual revolution, Vivian sews her wild oats, as well as many a costume, while learning to navigate life in the Big Apple.

Besides discussing a great book, some of us went the extra mile and learned some new cut and paste editing skills to add to the merriment! It lent a nice, pre-book club twist to the evening as you can see from the circa 1940’s theater, photoshopped, pictures.

And, for the evening itself, we all enjoyed our favorite cocktail du jour, whether it be a glass of wine, an H2O Martini (remember, this is the theater, darling, and it is only appearances that matter), or a Diet Coke! Cheers and break a leg!!!