Serving the Service Industry During the Covid-19 Crisis

by Cindi Sutter, Founder & Editor 

Within our communities, there are thousands of service industry professionals. On behalf of our Spirited Table Tastemakers and myself, we encourage you to follow this advice and tips from and stay safe!

StarChefs is your sounding board, your voice, and your platform.

It’s impossible to express how incredibly challenging this new reality is for the hospitality industry. As we all struggle to deal with the painful ramifications of the pandemic and search for certainty in this chaotic time, we can rely on the strength, ingenuity, and community of the hospitality industry. We have hope because we know we can count on each other during a crisis. 

StarChefs is your sounding board, your voice, and your platform. That’s how we believe we can best serve the service industry at this perilous moment when so many are so vulnerable. 

We want to hear from you and amplify your message to the rest of the community via Instagram and our homepage. Please send your statements or videos by direct message @starchefs or email Director of Digital Media, Erin Lettera If you want to support the Service Workers Coalition like Andrew Tarlow, or other charitable organizations (local or national), let us know. Is there a mutual aid organization you’d like to draw attention to? Is your main issue rent forgiveness, like it is for Kwame Onwuachi? Let’s hear it. Have you shifted the entire paradigm of your business as Canlis has? Do you want to call on our government to take action as Jen Pelka did? Do you want to share how you're tackling these new challenges like Jessica Koslow has shared, or inspire like Jose Andres, or just send a message of support? This is a rallying cry and hopefully a support system with helpful information where the industry can connect and share. 

StarChefs will also be inviting a series of your peers and industry leaders to share their strategies for addressing specific problems. Do you want to know about how to turn your kitchen into a community kitchen, or how best to pitch in? Do you want to know how you can utilize Venmo or sell swag or gift cards? If there is an issue you would like addressed or a person you’d like to hear from, we’re listening. 

When you send your message or video, please include any immediate needs you may have and any audience you're trying to address directly, along with pertinent links, hashtags, and/or handles. We will try our best to loop in appropriate local and national leaders and media so that your voice is heard. 

We’re all in this together and we hope we can make a difference. 
Stay healthy, take care of each other, and we will get through this. 

~Team StarChefs