A New Way to New Year!

by Christina Meyer-Jax MS, RDN, LDN, CLT, RYT, Tastemaker in Residence

If any year needed a different way to celebrate it’s this one!  As a nutritionist, I’m totally into the 80-20 rule when it comes to my diet.  New Year’s Eve completely falls into that 20% enjoy and indulge.  This year was also a reminder that 20% can easily start being 80% of our diet.  Habits are formed by our mindset and intentions.  

2020 challenged most us in lifestyle areas (understatement perhaps?). But no matter where you are at now, applaud yourself for making it through this year!  What doesn’t challenge you doesn’t change you and any step forward in health creation is a great one! So this year’s blog is a mix of fun festive NYE food ideas and some new approaches to looking at health in 2021.

The regular crew might not be gathering to ring in the new year, or maybe it’s a new crew joining you.  Regardless here are some fun ways to celebrate the ending of a year we’d like to say bye-bye to:

Grazing Tables & Charcuterie Board Contest!  Every year these beautiful masterpieces of nuts, cheese, meats, dried fruits, etc continue to grow. Whether you care about gathering in-person with others or celebrating with your community in virtual hangouts, this is a great way to up your game with new ideas for 2021 celebrations.  Each person/couple/family designs their board and then spends some time describing the foods and pairing.  This could involve favorite wine and cocktail pairing with each board as well.  Voting on best in show and then enjoying the fun of all night snacking can begin!

Local Restaurant Take-Out Party! This year has been an incredible hardship for the hospitality industry.  If celebrating at home, this is a great time to order up and enjoy your favorites for your local restaurants and bars.  If gathering in small groups, each invitee could bring their favorite local establishments dish and everyone could enjoy an eclectic mix, while hearing about best times at each place.  

Fondue!  This is by far my favorite NYE tradition!  This is a perfect way to celebrate in small groups.  The variety of food choices and the amount of time it takes to cook each item is a recipe for socializing and connecting.  Check out my recipes below for fondue festivities!

Check out these two great Fondue recipes! Italian Zesty Fondue + Orange Boozy Chocolate Fondue!!

After the celebration, what are some new ways for health creation in 2021?

  1. Set a schedule and a routine every day for activity/exercise. It doesn’t have to be long to be effective. Try 1-2 new activities of movement per month. This can decrease boredom, and hopefully, help you find a new fun exercise along the way.

  2. Cook and learn new approaches to building health through foods.  Nutrition is the foundation for building our bodies and our cells.  You are only as strong as what you put in.  My goal this year is to learn how to make fresh Indian food and learn about the spices and health properties of the cuisine.

  3. Albert Einstein once said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it.”  If you want change in 2021, you need to shift your perspective and mindset to where you want to go.  Making health changes will require you to shed the old programming in your brain and write new ones.  In yoga, these are mantras we repeat.  But what you tell yourself is powerful.  Make them strong in health creation.  One of mine for the new year is: “I am dedicated to prioritizing sleep.” I know that sleep will help my overall health. I haven’t been great at the health pillar.  I will be changing my perspective, mindset, and actions to achieve it.