A Tastemaker Farewell 

by Julie Johnson, Tastemaker in Residence

Nearly two years ago, I met Cindi Sutter at a Women Who Really Cook networking event.  We quickly embraced conversation and enjoyed the evening upon us at Muddy Paws Cheesecake in St. Louis Park, MN!  Before the evening ended, we exchanged contact information and decided upon a lunch date in the next few weeks.  Little did I know Cindi would use this lunch date to invite me to take a seat at her ‘Spirited Table’ as a Tastemaker in Residence.  I remember thinking, “Geez, this really sounds official – a Tastemaker in Residence?”  

Well, as it turns out, the past almost two years have not been as “scary” as I originally played out in mind about what it meant to be a Tastemaker in Residence.  In fact, I’ve cherished writing monthly articles and have viewed it as a way to unleash some untapped creativity.  It truly has been a pleasure to share some favorite recipes (with my own twist), travel inspiration, topics close to my heart, and at times the chaos associated with raising triplets and other happenings in the Johnson house.

It is time for me to zero in on the happenings in the Johnson house and bid my farewell as a Tastemaker in Residence!  A sincere THANKS to Spirited Table for taking me on this journey – may your table always be blessed!

With Gratitude,

Julie Johnson  
