5 Tips for Leaning into Clean Living

by Julie Johnson, Tastemaker in Residence

In recent years, I’ve really taken great interest in learning more about and leaning into “clean living.” Meaning, taking measures to minimize my family’s exposure to harsh chemicals, other ingredients, or environmental factors that can prompt toxic overloads in our bodies and disrupt the way in which they function. Cleaning up your living environment requires some planning but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are 5 tips to consider when transitioning to clean living.

Candle Usage. Reduce your candle usage. I am the ultimate candle lover but have converted to using diffusers with essential oils in our home as a more natural method of emitting pleasant aromas in the air. If you insist on candles for creating the perfect ambiance, try using candles only for special occasions.

Cosmetics. Clean up your cosmetic bag by eliminating cosmetics with a high toxic load. Beauty Counter has become my cosmetic brand of choice because this company eliminates over 1,800 questionable chemicals in their products.

Cleaning Ingredients. Simple cleaning ingredients are the way to go! Vinegar is a natural disinfectant so I use a simple blend of equal parts vinegar and water to clean my floors. Vinegar and baking soda also make for a fizzy toilet bowl cleaner. Pour vinegar into your toilet bowl, sprinkle in baking powder; once the fizzing subsides, scrub away!

Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Radiation. Reduce your exposure to radiofrequency energy through the following ways: use an ear piece for your calls rather than holding your cell phone to your ear, try texting more rather than calling, and turn your phone to airplane mode at night if you sleep with it on your nightstand.

Minimizing or Eliminating Processed Foods. Minimize or eliminate processed foods from your home. Strive to fill your cabinets or refrigerator with whole foods. Whole foods offer food in its most pure form without added chemicals or other artificial ingredients and offer the most nutritional value through its rich vitamins and minerals.

Now remember, don’t try to implement all these strategies at once. Pick one to work on for 2-3 weeks and then add in one more element. Keep repeating until you achieve the ‘clean living’ environment desired.