Fav 4th of July Tradition

by Bridget Levin, Tastemaker in Residence

One of our favorite wedding gifts we received was from my oldest sister, whose middle name is FUN. She gave us a classic, hand-crank White Mountain ice cream maker; the kind that requires rock salt and muscles.

We make homemade ice cream every 4th of July, regardless of weather or mosquitos.

This means everybody takes their turn at hand cranking, with the task increasing in difficulty with every turn of the crank. Experienced crankers know to take their turn early to avoid rotator cuff issues. (But we can usually count on one of the macho guys being unable to resist showing off at the almost impossible finishing turns).

There is nothing like the taste of hand churned ice cream. Just be sure to eat it right after churning. Don't wait till refreezing changes the lovely soft consistency.

We love to add fresh strawberries and garnish with blueberries for a patriotic flair!

Easy Ice Cream Recipe
6 organic eggs
3 cups sugar
2 Tbsp. vanilla
whole milk to fill line in canister

Crank as instructed with your ice cream maker.