Ringing in 2019 with Traditions, Tartlets & Vintage Twists

by Cindi SutterChief Communicator & Editor of Spirited Table®

We’re in the final stages of 2018, but I’d like to take this moment in time to thank my Tastemakers in Residence for their contributions to our very unique and Spirited Table®! We’ve crossed boundaries built by a world that doesn’t really believe that spirited living is a thing: Yes, to all of us, it’s a living breathing, anciently inspired way to live in this world of pop culture, without compromising our compasses.

Do you hear it? Its the sound of your internal compass begging you to take a different look at 2019 and making some serious decisions about how you navigate your way across the bridge of generational, cultural and spiritual differences. How do we accomplish that everyday? Let’s start by gathering…around tables, around community, around food and drink that has the innate ability to provide the face to face connections that link generations, bridge cultures and nourish souls.

What if your wildest imagination just met it’s Spirited match? So for a moment in time, indulge your own imagination, let it run free and see where the Spirited adventure takes you! You just might take a seat at your version of the Happiest Table EVER!!!

Thanks for joining us in 2018 and here are some tips for celebrating 2019!

Posts from New Years past provide the words that should be reused and recycled through our unique lens of Food & Drink, Celebrations and Lifestyle JUBILIATION! Here is a sprinkling of my favorites!

Ring in the New Year Traditions & Tips

Caviar and Crème Fraîche Tartlets

Life’s Detox

Rehabilitate vintage ashtrays for a unique decor twist