
by Cindi SutterFounder of The Spirited Table®

Life and living it, can sometimes blur the lines between need, desire and achieving your goals.

I find that when my determination, energy and ability to persevere falters, it's usually due to a lack of patience or creativity. What's the driving force behind that? Rest and reflection needed!

So what if it takes a long time, Cindi Sutter? 

So what if it's already taken longer than you thought? 

So what if it will still take longer? 

The day will nevertheless arrive, as it always does, when all your prior efforts, determination, and persistence will seem a paltry price indeed as you are lifted irrevocably higher, as if by chariots of fire, into realms previously unimagined, and then you'll think to yourself, "Wow, that was fast." 

I can hear the music now, 
    The Universe