Festival of Lights

by Zehorit Heilicher, Tastemaker in Residence


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

The first Hanukkah candle will be lit around the world in Jewish homes on Sunday evening, December sixth.  As I write this, news of yet another shooting, this time in California, is breaking news. I can’t help but think that the world is in dire need of more light. Too many live in darkness: the darkness of fear, lack of shelter and nourishment, the darkness of prejudice and ignorance and the list goes on. 

This Sunday, family members will fill our home with laughter, delicious food and love, as the Festival of Light will begin. So we will light candles and pray that this holiday season brings healing and whole-heartedness to the world.

Planning to nourish our family with warmth and traditional holiday foods, I intend to serve Sufganiot (see last year’s Festival of Lights and Oil) and Latkes, potato pancakes. Here is a collection of recipes: classical selections for traditional cooks and some alternative creations for the adventurous ones.

Happy Hanukkah and a peaceful holiday season to you all! 

Traditional Latkes:

  1. Andrew Zimmern’s Killer Potato Latkes
  2. Epicurious’ Latkes
  3. Tori Avery’s Crispy Latkes
  4. Adam & Maxine’s Famous Latkes

Alternative Latkes:

  1. Cilantro Jalapeno Latkes
  2. Rainbow Latkes
  3. Hatch Chile Latkes
  4. Cinnamon and Sweet Potato Apple Latkes
  5. Brussels Sprout Latkes
  6. Persimmon Latkes
  7. Smoked Salmon Latkes

Picture Credit:

  1. Hanukkah-2
  2. Hanukkah-3
  3. Sufganiot-1
  4. Latkes-2