Hospitality is a State of Mind

by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®

Excuse this repost. A major Hospitality reboot is necessary.

If the eyes are the window to the soul, I believe a smile is the window to hospitality.


First I must say, I love New York City (NYC) and most New Yorkers. So diligently in pursuit of whatever they are pursuing that day and so passionate about their food, museums, theatre, shopping and trying to out pace the person walking ahead of them. I love to walk, so I play this little game when I visit NYC. I walk 10 blocks in pursuit of as many smile backs as possible. How many strangers would smile back when I flashed them a Texas smile. After the initial shock wore off almost everyone of them. They just needed a smile starter. So that is what I am asking you to do today, be a smile starter. Give it a try and let me know if I'm crazy. 

Barb Hamilton-Sustad, Tastemaker in Residence, says this about Hospitality. 

"Honor your guest. A dining experience is a compliment to your guest. Surprise them, use food and present it differently. It is an emotional connection."

When her son was young and they were sharing a meal she said. “The price of his dinner was a conversation. He was expected to be a contributor." 

"Everything in the world could start at the dinner table. Hospitality should be the cornerstone of our society."

Well said, Miss Barb!

“Trust is a rich word, laden with meaning and direction. I trust you will be inspired, entertained and find encouragement for everyday and every table.”

— Cindi Sutter, creator The Spirited Table®